“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”

― Albert Einstein

What we do ...

We understand your business needs by performing a thorough business process review to help us identify the root of the problem, not just a symptom.

Once we understand the problem and the outcomes that you desire, we then create an innovative strategy to solve the problem.

This is about more than a single product

Lots of companies will tell you they can solve your problem, but when you truly dig in, you find they really only address one area they are specialized in. That is where we differentiate ourselves, we look across technology, people, and process to develop a holistic solution.


How we do it ...

Decision flow chart solution process diagram

Business Process Review

We spend time learning how you work so we can better understand the real root of the problem.

Colleagues Looking at Survey Sheet

Tangible outcome

We work with you to ideate what the outcome should look like.



We work with many business and technology partners to create a solution. We are not limited by a single vendors capabilities. We solve for your unique problem.

What are some examples from SOLVING PROBLEMS?

Unified Law Enforcement

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) has been considered a hallmark of a mature operation. Yet, CAD leaves many areas unresolved. CAD perpetuates the problems of siloed data, it requires a heavy lift to install and maintain, and cannot unify data from other sources easily.

We have worked with multiple emergency response, communications, and software development companies to create a unified approach that became a reality in a system referred to as Unified Emergency Response (UER). UER links citizens, law enforcement, tow trucks, drones, and ambulances together through a unified interface to reduce response times and coordinate resources.

Business Intelligence

Imagine an organization with data spread among many sources (ie databases, spreadsheets, 3rd parties, dynamic data like weather). Now imagine how difficult it is to create any valuable information from this data. We work with many different data sources to create a natural language capability for modeling, interactive question and response, and visualization. Now you can see outcomes and not just rows of data. You can begin to ask questions like “How much of this product did we sell last year at this time?” From this simple question you can then further investigate how much inventory is available to satisfy the expected need.

Collect and Connect

Businesses need to connect resources like sensors, cameras, computers, or point-of-sale systems. Often connecting these assets are cost prohibitive due to restrictions by people who own the infrastructure and this causes the operating costs to increase. We have helped develop alternative solutions for connectivity when roadblocks exist.

Innovation Strategist

We specialize in guiding organizations through the process of identifying, developing, and implementing innovative ideas and strategies to achieve their business objectives and gain a competitive edge. Simply put, we help you solve problems.

our locations

453 S Hull Str

Montgomery, AL 36104

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Problem solved